
We are here today because the two of you wish to legally commit to a partnership in marriage. This small and simple ceremony has a tremendous impact on the rest of your lives. Going forward, I hope this day serves as a reminder to you that the foundation of a successful marriage does not come from grand gestures but from the small and simple things you do for each other and share with each other every day.

Declaration of Consent

Name and Name, will you take vows here which bind you together in marriage today and guide you through all the days of your lives to come?

We will.


Bride/Groom, please repeat after me:  I, Name, take you, Name, as my lawfully wedded husband/wife. I do this with love for you and a faith that we will be stronger together now and in the future.

Bride/Groom, please repeat after me:  I, Name, take you, Name, as my lawfully wedded husband/wife. I do this with love for you and a faith that we will be stronger together now and in the future.

Ring Exchange

Groom/Bride, as you place the ring on Bride/Groom’s finger, please repeat after me:

I give you this ring to wear upon your hand as a symbol of my love for you and commitment to our life together.

Bride/Groom, as you place the ring on Groom/Bride's finger, please repeat after me: 

I give you this ring to wear upon your hand as a symbol of my love for you and commitment to our life together.

By the power vested in me by the Commonwealth of Virginia, I now pronounce you lawfully wed.

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