
Basic Officiant Fee

The fee to officiate a basic informal wedding and legal filing is $75. This is for small ceremonies using a pre-written script (either a sample provided by me or one written by someone else).

Ceremony Writing

If you would like my assistance in mapping out the segments of your ceremony or "tweaking" the language of a pre-written ceremony, I can provide that for a fee of $50. If you would like me to work with you to craft a unique ceremony, my fees range from $200-$350 which would be set after a consultation with you to determine the scope of work you desire. 

Rehearsal Fee

If you are having a full wedding with more than 2 attendants, I would strongly recommend a rehearsal the day before the wedding conducted either by me or your wedding coordinator (if you have one). My fee for a rehearsal is $200. The rehearsal usually takes 30-60 minutes depending upon the complexity and number of participants. My rehearsal fee includes working with you to determine the procession order, the blocking for wedding participants, staging for various elements of the ceremony (ex. unity candle, remembrance of loved ones, etc.).

Travel Fee

Ceremony within Loudoun County: $25                                   

Ceremony outside of Loudoun County: Travel fee will be based on distance to the ceremony and location of marriage certificate filing.

Late Start Fee

$50 for any ceremony that starts 30 minutes later than scheduled and $25 for every 15 minute delay thereafter.

Custom Services

I am happy to work with couples to ensure they have the wedding they desire. If you have special requests for your wedding ceremony (for example, a theme wedding with special attire), let me know and I will let you know what I can do to accommodate you.

Ceremony Conducted by Someone Else

If you wish to have someone else perform the ceremony, that is perfectly fine and legal as long as you have a civil celebrant authorized by the court attend the ceremony to witness it. I have done this many times and am always happy to do so if the couple wishes it. My fee for this is the same as if I perform the ceremony - $75. (Please note that the travel and late start fees also apply if I attend as a witness.) If this is for a full wedding, I will arrive 10-15 minutes early to verify paperwork and the coordination fee is $50.

Full Wedding Coordination Fee

A full wedding requires pre-ceremony coordination by the officiant to make sure everything goes smoothly once the ceremony begins. This includes obtaining and verifying the legal paperwork, answering questions regarding ceremony staging, coordinating with vendors such as wedding planner, DJ, videographer, and photographer. For a full wedding, I arrive 15-30 minutes before the ceremony (depending upon the complexity of the wedding and the needs of the couple) to do the pre-ceremony coordination. This is also includes communication prior to the wedding date to answer any questions that may arise. My fee for full wedding coordination is $50.